Have you ever notice the more you introspect about anything in the natural world, the more complex it turns out to be...
He who built the firmament also drew the piercing detail of each snowflake,
and coordinated the prefect synchronization of a flock of birds...
or maybe when God wants to intervene he does so in the most innocuous manner touching upon the smallest things in our lives, things we probably haven't noticed existed in us for years...
and then your whole world changes.
I found it strange that God wanted me to fast off worry, worrying, passive anxiety and all their toxic cousins this Lent. I couldn't believe it. Such a small thing...I was willing to give up better stuff like no TV or movies or better still, no YouTube or facebook. Ask big, Lord!
I agreed not realizing how much of myself I would learn. It wasn't such a small deal at all. God had just touched my an alpha-problem (that is, before he tackles my next alpha-problem).
I am a natural worrier! It's just that the thought never occurred to me or I was too busy worrying to really notice that I was a worrier. I am a ball of knotted-fear, from which radiates worry and anxiety and spills over as a looming cloud of negativity. What I used to term as 'Devil's Advocate' stance was actually my mask to hide my insecurities and fear.
What if....? Maybe, but....? How can we be sure? I think we need to look at the other side? Should we wait a bit...
Sounds familiar? You are hedging risks...Not that it is a bad thing in financial planning but you can't hedge risks with God. His plans are so outrageous and his proposals so extravagant that it is impossible to consider the full implications of failure. Think Abraham...how could he cut short his loss of not having an heir after having sacrificed Issac or Esther, die standing up for her people or die being one of them?
But there is a solution. Trust! 'Trust in God, Trust also in me', said Jesus (John 14:1). And that changes everything.
God was suggesting a solution- Let Go and Let God Take Over! Change of management. Not very pleasant. It means a reorganization. Change the way we have been living and responding to situations all these years.
But do not despair. Our God is also called the Lord of the Breakthrough (1 Chron 14:11). Trust his grace to abound as you take this leap of faith. It is the only thing which sustains me as I walk into this brave new world.
So pray for me, folks. Pray for yourselves as well and all those who need tiny interventions. Our God of Small things leaves no pebble unturned...
He who built the firmament also drew the piercing detail of each snowflake,
and coordinated the prefect synchronization of a flock of birds...
or maybe when God wants to intervene he does so in the most innocuous manner touching upon the smallest things in our lives, things we probably haven't noticed existed in us for years...
and then your whole world changes.
I found it strange that God wanted me to fast off worry, worrying, passive anxiety and all their toxic cousins this Lent. I couldn't believe it. Such a small thing...I was willing to give up better stuff like no TV or movies or better still, no YouTube or facebook. Ask big, Lord!
I agreed not realizing how much of myself I would learn. It wasn't such a small deal at all. God had just touched my an alpha-problem (that is, before he tackles my next alpha-problem).
I am a natural worrier! It's just that the thought never occurred to me or I was too busy worrying to really notice that I was a worrier. I am a ball of knotted-fear, from which radiates worry and anxiety and spills over as a looming cloud of negativity. What I used to term as 'Devil's Advocate' stance was actually my mask to hide my insecurities and fear.
What if....? Maybe, but....? How can we be sure? I think we need to look at the other side? Should we wait a bit...
Sounds familiar? You are hedging risks...Not that it is a bad thing in financial planning but you can't hedge risks with God. His plans are so outrageous and his proposals so extravagant that it is impossible to consider the full implications of failure. Think Abraham...how could he cut short his loss of not having an heir after having sacrificed Issac or Esther, die standing up for her people or die being one of them?
But there is a solution. Trust! 'Trust in God, Trust also in me', said Jesus (John 14:1). And that changes everything.
God was suggesting a solution- Let Go and Let God Take Over! Change of management. Not very pleasant. It means a reorganization. Change the way we have been living and responding to situations all these years.
But do not despair. Our God is also called the Lord of the Breakthrough (1 Chron 14:11). Trust his grace to abound as you take this leap of faith. It is the only thing which sustains me as I walk into this brave new world.
So pray for me, folks. Pray for yourselves as well and all those who need tiny interventions. Our God of Small things leaves no pebble unturned...
nice one sis...